Re: "Revealed: how Microsoft handed the NSA access to encrypted messages"

On 2013/07/12 21:25, Mark Watson wrote:
> Sent from my iPhone
> Just to re-iterate, the intention is that the closed software comes
> from, or is at least well understood by, your browser implementor or
> your OS implementor. I believe you have bigger problems if you don't
> trust either of those.

Are you insinuating that FOSS users are paranoid freaks ?  What are the 
bigger problems ? I wouldn't mind clarification.

> Furthermore, you have choices, which through
> the operation of competition pushes these vendors towards honesty and
> transparency.


> This is in contrast to the current situation where the closed software
> comes from a third party who indeed you may not trust and about whom
> you have no choice.
> Is this not an improvement ?

I'm not sure you heard the news, or read the initial post in this 
thread. In short, users who trusted their own operating system/browser 
(Windows/IE) have been abused and lied to.  So no, using software that 
comes directly from one company you trust is not a viable option for 
those who believe in privacy.

Perhaps you in fact believe that Microsoft did not abuse their users who 
trusted them. If so I take everything back.

Emmanuel Revah

Received on Friday, 12 July 2013 20:44:16 UTC