Re: Netflix HTML5 player in IE 11 on Windows 8.1

Jeff Jaffe <> wrote:
> On 7/10/2013 9:20 AM, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> > Jeff Jaffe <> wrote:
> >> On 7/10/2013 7:16 AM, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> >>> What if the kind of architecture that is pursued in the EME spec
> >>> is in fact the best possible solution to the stated requirement,
> >>> but it is still very bad because it is fundamentally incompatible
> >>> with building an open web and ICT systems that provide a
> >>> reasonable environment for the protection of human rights?
> >> Assuming that the Working Group addresses the issues against the
> >> spec
> > What is the appropriate way to bring the kind of “issues against the
> > spec” to the attention of the WG which are not specific to the
> > particularities of the EME spec, but which are in fact common to all
> > kinds of DRM-related systems?
> >
> > I'm asking because this kind of concerns seems to be considered
> > off-topic on the WF's mailing list.
> The Working Group might feel it is off-topic.  If you are
> unsuccessful in convincing them otherwise, they will not address your
> issues now.

Well since the Chairs are explicitly disallowing the topic, it is
not even reasonably possible to try convincing the WG that the
concerns should be considered on-topic.

Actually I think that it makes a lot of practical sense to separate the
discussions around technical details from the more fundamental

I seems to me however that there is an imbalance in that the group which
is discussing technical issues (while explicitly excluding the more
fundamental discussions) seems to have the power to move things
forward, while it seems that the group which has been created for the
more fundamental discussions (this list) is not intended to have any
formal influence whatsoever on whether things are moved forward or not.

> But...
> >
> >> and bring it forward to the W3C Director for approval as a W3C
> >> Recommendation, he will determine whether it is appropriate for
> >> approval as a W3M Recommendation.
> > Will there be a way to submit counterarguments for consideration by
> > the W3C director?
> ... when the Working Group issues their "Last Call" you have an 
> additional opportunity to raise issues.  The Working Group is
> obligated to address all such issues.  They might address an issue by
> saying it is off-topic, but the Director reviews how Last Call issues
> are resolved and pays special attention to those issues that are not
> addressed to the satisfaction of the proposer of the issue.

Thanks a lot for explaining... I'll be watching for that “Last Call”.


Received on Wednesday, 10 July 2013 15:50:47 UTC