- From: Eric Portis <lists@ericportis.com>
- Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2015 12:26:52 -0600
- To: public-respimg@w3.org
- Message-ID: <BECBFFBD-37CE-459B-BB91-34A62724DEE8@ericportis.com>
# Eventful What a month. Personally, I went to Germany to speak (!) at SmashingConf (!!!). Never did I think an interest in respimg would take me to a medieval hall, half a world away, to tell hundreds of people how to do their jobs. But! It did! And I drank bier and ate würst and met heroes and made friends. It was as wonderful as it was surreal. And I actually had a newsletter all written in the Frankfurt Flughafen, ready to fire off as soon as I got home, but by the time I got there the RICG had won a pair of [Net Awards][1], necessitating a re-write. - [Best Collaborative Project][2] - [Best New Web Technology][3] Feels good, man. To the links! [1]: https://thenetawards.com [2]: https://twitter.com/yoavweiss/status/644982406211063808 [3]: https://twitter.com/yoavweiss/status/644984378045673472 ## Edge implements `picture` That was quick. Edge version 10547 [supports `picture` and `sizes`][4]. This means that (with a single, hopefully-soon-remedied [exception][5]) every current version of every desktop browser now supports the full suite of responsive image features. Oh, and the Edge team will [probably][6] implement `image-set()`, too! [4]: https://dev.modern.ie/platform/changelog/desktop/10547/ [5]: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=116963 [6]: https://dev.modern.ie/platform/status/cssimageset/ ## Core Competency The energy (and consistency!) behind the respimg-in-WordPress team is a joy to behold. They [released a new version of the official plugin last week][7], which, among other things, brings respimg support to images published before the plugin was installed, using output filters. This is one more step towards the larger goal: [bringing respimg functionality to WordPress core][8]. A very large website (anybody know who?) deployed `x` descriptors this month and [doubled the current level of usage overnight][9]: `x` descriptors are now used on ~1% of Chrome pageviews. That’s a very big deal, but `w`s hitting WP-Core might an order-of-magnitude bigger. [7]: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/changelog/ [8]: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2015/09/05/responsive-images-feature-plugin-update/ [9]: https://www.chromestatus.com/metrics/feature/timeline/popularity/523 ## Terriffic Tutorials Mat, Yoav, and the good people at Akamai collaborated on a pair of whiteboard-style respimg [tutorial][10] [videos][11]. They’re fast-paced and accessible; the visual metaphors surprise and delight. Watch! Jake Archibald had a respimg “[epiphany][12]” recently — “I’m writing it all down before I forget everything.” His post conveys a a ton of information extremely economically, and it’s somehow personable and digestible, too. Everything that you need to know about the syntax in a pretty-short blog post. Read! Finally — my interest in Client Hints still far outpaces my expertise, so I learned a lot from [this article][13] by Mr. Client Hints himself, Ilya Grigorik. Automate! [10]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJLl6MSHDr4 [11]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwgQ0LGRnR8 [12]: https://jakearchibald.com/2015/anatomy-of-responsive-images/ [13]: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/09/automating-resource-selection-with-client-hints ## Grab Bag - Picturefill 3 should be out of beta [imminently][14]. - Spec changes afoot: [the `width` attribute is now used as a fallback][16] for invalidly-omitted `sizes`, and the meaning of the Client Hints `Width` header [just changed from CSS to device pixels][17]. Someday I shall catalog the many definitions of the extremly-overloaded word “width” w/r/t respimg... - Understanding and communicating how an adaptable image will adapt within a responsive design is hard. Kevin Mack and Tim Vonderloh gave [a presentation][15] at the Columbus Web Group explaining how they apply the concepts and language of print (where variability comes from imperfect processeses) to respimg (where the variability happens *by design*). - Last and maybe actually least, Facebook blogged about their [cover photo optimization efforts][18]. The post doesn’t mention respimg, per-se, but it does contain a lot of insight into how Facebook actually goes about making, managing, and delivering images efficiently at Facebook-scale. [14]: https://twitter.com/respimg/status/641311961171533824 [15]: https://twitter.com/nicetransition/status/637345391910916096 [16]: https://github.com/ResponsiveImagesCG/picture-element/issues/268 [17]: https://twitter.com/yoavweiss/status/647005135017758720 [18]: https://code.facebook.com/posts/991252547593574/the-technology-behind-preview-photos/ Tschüs! —eric
Received on Monday, 28 September 2015 18:27:31 UTC