Re: accessibility and browser zoom

It may be, but when generating picture code from a database, I don't 
know if the image is going to use 35% of the container it is in or 100% 
of the container it is in. That's determined by an external CSS sheet.

On 03/01/2015 02:23 AM, Attiks wrote:
> Isn't is safer to use em based media queries, those should scale correctly
> On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Alice Wonder <
> <>> wrote:
>     I can't test Safari.
>     It does the same thing in Chrome.
>     The media query rules for a smaller screen should fire when zooming
>     in to avoid horizontal scrolling, and it probably should also apply
>     to images in case a cropped version is used with the layout that
>     accompanies smaller screens, which may even want a different aspect
>     ratio.
>     So I think chrome and firefox are doing the right thing, it's just I
>     don't understand how to tell them to use a higher resolution version
>     if the pixels are there but the browser is zoomed in.
>     There must be a way.
>     On 03/01/2015 01:28 AM, Yoav Weiss wrote:
>         That sounds like a Firefox bug. Did you try the same with
>         Chrome/Opera?
>         If it works there, you would probably file a bug with Firefox. If it
>         doesn't, you should probably file a bug with both :)
>         On Mar 1, 2015 7:13 AM, "Alice Wonder" <
>         <>
>         < <>>> wrote:
>              Hi,
>              It is hard to find examples of the picture element online that
>              actually validate but I have it at this point.
>              Have my firefox set up and it works.
>              Did this test :
>              [picture]
>                 [source media="(min-width: 801px)" srcset="Camera_800.jpg"
>              type="image/jpeg" /]
>                 [source media="(max-width: 800px)" srcset="Camera_400.jpg"
>              type="image/jpeg" /]
>                 [img src="Camera_800.jpg" alt="Classic Medium Format
>         Camera" /]
>              [/picture]
>              (using [] instead of angle brackets)
>              When I shring the browser down and reload - it works, the
>         400 is used.
>              But - when I ctrl-+ to zoom in and then reload, it also
>         triggers the
>              media query, and the result is a way over-stretched 400px
>         version.
>              What is the proper way to take physical pixels into
>         consideration so
>              that people who zoom in due to visual problems don't get a
>         smaller
>              version that has been stretched?

Received on Sunday, 1 March 2015 10:32:57 UTC