Update! Your! Picturefills!

## Update! Your! Picturefills!

I know I mentioned this [last 
but recent events have made it super-extra important – if you use 
Picturefill and you haven’t updated to version 2.3.1, please, drop 
everything and [upgrade right 

Mat Marquis [explains why this upgrade is so critical over at CSS 
Tricks](https://css-tricks.com/please-update-picturefill/). Basically: 
old Picturefills made some assumptions about browser support that were 
true at the time, but aren’t any longer. Those assumptions mean 
Picturefill <2.3.1 tries to polyfill (and write to) [the new 
in some browsers that already support it — but when supported, 
`currentSrc` is read-only. Trying to write to a read-only when `use 
strict` is in play is bad news – giant sites [like 
ESPN](https://twitter.com/respimg/status/603279308866625536) that use 
old Picturefills were missing most of their images in Microsoft Edge 
previews and WebKit nightlies. So, rather than break the web, 
[Edge](https://twitter.com/gregwhitworth/status/603315359597244416) and 
[WebKit](https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=144095) have decided 
not to not support currentSrc until y’all upgrade your Picturefills.

Picturefill is supposed to be a bridge to the future, not an obstacle to 
it. So, again: [please 

## While you’re at it: upgrade your WordPress plugins, too!

The official RICG WordPress responsive images plugin was [recently 
The new version includes:

- the aforementioned Picturefill 2.3.1, the importance of which should 
already be clear
- bug fixes and performance improvements
- Dave Newton’s image-y magick, behind a flag

The last item on that list is particularly exciting. Dave’s optimal 
ImageMagick settings (brought previously to 
[Grunt](https://www.npmjs.com/package/grunt-respimg) and 
[PHP](https://github.com/nwtn/php-respimg)) produce *much* smaller 
images. But they’re new, and they eat up a little more CPU than the 
WordPress defaults, so this is going to start out as an opt-in thing. If 
you’re using the plugin and care about image performance enough to 
subscribe to a newsletter about it, I urge you: [opt 
and [provide 

## Super Dave

In addition to bringing huge performance gains to the WordPress 
plugin’s 5,000+ active installs, Dave also recently [became so 
with the horrendous performance of animated gifs that he [became a core 
Firefox committer](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1160200) 
and [registered a new IANA MIME 
type](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1160200#c20) in order 
to be able to this:

 <source type="video/vnd.mozilla.apng" srcset="cat.apng" />
 <img src="cat.gif" alt="One cool cat" />

We’ll owe every [APNG](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APNG) we ever use 
with a gif fallback to Dave. Ideas are easy, but wrangling all of the 
code and politics surrounding browser implementations and standards 
bodies necessary to implement them is very, very hard. Thanks, Dave. 
And, Yoav: I guess you’ve been replaced? (;

## Grab bag

- If you only click four links in this newsletter, make the first one a 
[Picturefill upgrade 
link](http://scottjehl.github.io/picturefill/#download). But these 
should be numbers two through four: [Jason Grigsby on 
[Steve Souders on hero images and measuring perceived 
and [Sara Soueidan on art-directing embedded 
Three great writers breaking down vital, technical subjects with clarity 
and style.
- It’s official (⨉3) – responsive images recently [headlined the 
Firefox 38 announcement 
post](https://hacks.mozilla.org/2015/05/trainspotting-firefox-38/), [hit 
the WebKit status 
page](https://twitter.com/yoavweiss/status/597859097074085890), and [are 
slated for inclusion in WordPress 
- Speaking of Firefox support – you may remember that Firefox 38 
shipped without the ability to respond to viewport changes. This is 
especially troublesome for pages that rely on art direction – it means 
that simply resizing a Firefox window can break an art-directed page’s 
layout. The relevant patch is still [in 
limbo](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1135812#c51), but if 
you need resize-responding right now, Alexander Farkas has published [a 
- Here’s a stat that suprised me: [speculative pre-parsers initiate 
43% of image 
loads](https://twitter.com/Souders/status/597821415354535936). The next 
time someone asks why we couldn’t have used CSS for responsive images, 
or why in the world we needed `sizes` – that’s why!
- The RICG is up for some Net Awards! It’s a bit strange to see our 
little red logo put in the ring against the likes of [a 24 billion 
dollar company with 3,700 
employees](https://www.google.com/finance?q=twitter), but what the heck! 
[ahead](https://thenetawards.com/vote/web-tech/element-queries/) and 
- Yoav has [a patch in to kick off client hints work in 
WebKit](https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=145380). It’s getting 
some [push 
Have I mentioned that the politics around browser implementations are 
- Bruce Lawson gave a rollicking respimg talk at DrupalJam: 
- Joe McGill, respimg-in-WordPress implementer, will be [speaking on the 
in Denver, Colorado in a couple of weeks, at WordCamp. Which is cool for 
me because I live in Denver, and I might get to meet him. Will you be in 
Denver, too? [Tweet at me](http://twitter.com/etportis) and maybe we can 
figure out some sort of meet up.
- Joe will probably be talking about lots of neat WordPress things, like 
[adding responsive images to advanced custom 
- Last and least: I will be 
respimg in Germany at SmashingConf in September. Gulp.

See you in a couple of weeks!


Received on Monday, 1 June 2015 15:32:09 UTC