Re: srcN - Alternative to picture and srcset

I think this approach has a lot of merit. Personally, I'd like to also see the file type use case addressed.


On 2013-09-27, at 7:27 AM, Mark <> wrote:

> Please consider my short reply a +1 for this concise combination of the source/srcset work.
> I'll need to have a read through the provided specification to get a better understanding of implementation.
> But looking good.
> M.
> On 27/09/2013 12:15, Yoav Weiss wrote:
>> Personally, this looks like a huge improvement over existing proposals.
>> It combines picture art-direction handling (each srcN attribute is an equivalent to picture's <source>), srcset's DPR switching (almost the same) and new viewport switching syntax which has 2 main advantages over srcset's viewport switching syntax: It is DRYer and enables relative units.
>> The attribute name part feels hacky, but it's something I can live with both as a developer and as someone likely to implement this.
>> +1 from me.
>> Yoav
>> On Fri, Sep 27, 2013 at 12:20 PM, Marcos Caceres <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Tab Atkins has put forward and alternative proposal to both srcset and picture:
>> It combines what was originally in <source> and `srcset` into a "srcN" attribute. Example:
>>   <img src1="(max-width: 400px) pic-small.jpg"
>>        src2="(max-width: 1000px) pic-medium.jpg"
>>        src="pic-large.jpg"
>>        alt="Obama talking to a soldier in hospital scrubs.">
>> Please take a look and discuss. I've cc'ed Tab who I'm sure can answer any questions.
>> Kind regards,
>> Marcos
>> --
>> Marcos Caceres

Received on Friday, 27 September 2013 11:57:24 UTC