The lazyload and postpone attribute for images

Hi All,
Just wanted to bring your attention to some new W3C work [1] called "Resource Priorities" (crappy name!), which is proposing a "lazyload" and "postpone" attribute for images:

The lazyload attribute indicates the priority order in which the User Agent will download the resource associated with the element in cases of network resource contention.  
The postpone attribute indicates that the User Agent MUST not start downloading the resource associated with the element until either the bounding box of the element is inside the User Agent's interpretation of the Document's viewport, or the element has been styled such that its display property is no longer set to none.  


Please see also the following bug… it's very long and detailed, but provides background to the problem:

The RICG should have a stake in this work - so if you have opinions about this, let us know so we can collaborate with the WebPerf WG.  

Marcos Caceres

Received on Friday, 6 September 2013 10:16:46 UTC