Re: srcN - Alternative to picture and srcset

It isn't only a problem in the art direction case, in the other cases the
dimensions are changing as well, so the map has to be resized accordingly.
You're right that it isn't a problem for the "retina" (DPR) use cases.

On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 8:03 PM, Aaron Gustafson <>wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Podjarny, Guy <> wrote:
>> I didn't think this through fully yet, but isn't this only a problem if
>> we change the contents of the picture (e.g. Art direction) as opposed to
>> reducing quality or pixel density?
> Correct. It’s only an issue if you have multiple layouts.
>> If so, we could just declare that srcN doesn't support multiple usemap
>> options, meaning you can only (successfully) use it if you're limiting your
>> use of srcN to viewport and DPR switching.
>> Makes sense?
> Completely. I would be in favor of this restriction as the alternative
> makes me cringe.
> Cheers,
> Aaron
> ----
> Aaron Gustafson
> Founder & Technical Lead
> Easy Designs, LLC
> @aarongustafson

Received on Sunday, 3 November 2013 19:19:52 UTC