Re: FYI: Use Cases and Requirements for Rdaptive Images

On 10/23/12 11:29 AM, "ext Marcos Caceres" <> wrote:

>Hi All, 
>We reached another significant milestone today! We have now formally
>invited the HTMLWG to comment on the Use Cases and Requirements Document.
>Announcement is here:
>And document is here:

Great to see that now the document is now up for the comments!

And about the 4.1 Art Direction, I was thinking about this while I was
watching the Apple's iPad Mini event -

I noticed that the default screen orientation for 7-inch tablet in general
is in portrait, because it is easy to hold that way in one hand, while
10-inch is often in landscape (although some people told me that they
prefer portrait even with 10-inch) and hold with both hands.

Web developers are likely to keep the same web designs for both iPad 2
(non-Retina) and Mini, (both have the same screen resolutions, and the
same device pixel ratio. Also I assume the user-agent strings are the same
for both. I maybe wrong), however, the initial orientation can be the big
key for the designing.

This is similar to the Nokia Meego vs. Lumia reference in the Use Case
document, but in this example, the form-factors difference matters for the
user experience.


Received on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 20:50:24 UTC