Re: Any update on remote DOM?

Hey Michael,

I'd love some help - check out the page - it's
basically naked yet.

I'm working on a Chromecast-based implementation with the stable SDK and
there's a prototype using WebRTC, too.
I'd be happy to see people trying it, because I am sure there are
roadblocks lingering in the dark.

In addition, the standards proposal needs to be written - and I can't do
that on my own, because I will miss important use cases..


On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Michael Kohler <>wrote:

> Hi everyone
> Is there any news about Remote DOM? Anything I can help with?
> Cheerio,
> Michael

Centralway Headquarters AG <> | Martin
Technical Leader R&D

Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 09:02:35 UTC