- From: Henry Story <henry.story@bblfish.net>
- Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2016 10:38:13 +0000
- To: Ruben Verborgh <ruben.verborgh@ugent.be>
- Cc: RDF-JS <public-rdfjs@w3.org>
> On 7 Dec 2015, at 16:31, Ruben Verborgh <ruben.verborgh@ugent.be> wrote: > > Dear all, > > The Representation Task Force is working hard > on a spec for low-level RDF interfaces. > For this, we need your input! > > How do you use the fourth element of a quad? > In other words, quads have one more field > in addition to subject/predicate/object of triples, > so what are your use cases for it? > > Your input will help us decide on the naming of this field. > Current candidates are .graph and .why; > please see this page for details: > https://github.com/rdfjs/representation-task-force/wiki/Meeting-2015-12-04#why-or-graph > > Please let us know by Thursday 10 December 2015. > Thanks in advance for your help! In LDP you may want to send a SEARCH to a LDPContainer. If you do that the natural way to think of this - but I still need to try this out - is to have the default graph contain the triples of the container itself <> a lpd:BasicContainer; ldp:contains <ldpr1>, <ldpr2>, <ldpr3>. The contents of <ldpr1>, <ldpr2> and <ldpr3> would then be the content of the named graphs. So you'd like to find the foaf:PersonalProfile documents you'd perhaps send a SEARCH such as SELECT ?ldpr WHERE { <> ldp:contains ?ldpr . GRAPH ?ldpr { ?ldpr a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument . } } It should be possible to return some of the data from the container with named graphs so that you don't have problems with data in the contained resources messing up data about the container itself. In N3 perhaps something like the following <> a lpd:BasicContainer; ldp:contains <ldpr1>, <ldpr2>, <ldpr3>. <ldpr1> { <> a foaf:PersonalProfileDocument ... } <ldpr2> { ... } <ldpr3> { ... } Interestingly since the header information is controlled by the server the server can actually add that information to the graph directly with <ldpr1> acl:acl <ldpr1.acl>. <ldpr2> acl:acl <ldpr2.acl>. <ldpr3> acl:acl <ldpr3.acl>. If the server also versions resources then it could do also add to the container information such as <ldpr1> previous <ldpr1.13> . <ldpr1.13> previous <ldpr1.12> . graphs importantly help distinguish belief contexts. > > Ruben > > PS Follow our progress here: > https://github.com/rdfjs/representation-task-force/ > You are welcome to join our weekly meetings: > https://github.com/rdfjs/representation-task-force/wiki#meetings
Received on Sunday, 28 February 2016 10:38:38 UTC