Fwd: Release 1.1.11 of ruby LinkedData and RDF libraries

Javascript RDF has a long way to go :)

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Subject: Release 1.1.11 of ruby LinkedData and RDF libraries
Resent-Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2015 23:10:02 +0000
Resent-From: semantic-web@w3.org
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2015 16:09:27 -0700
From: Gregg Kellogg <gregg@greggkellogg.net>
To: W3C Ruby RDF mailing list <public-rdf-ruby@w3.org>, W3C Semantic Web
IG <semantic-web@w3.org>

Version 1.1.11 of the Ruby Linkeddata meta-library includes support for
CSV and TSV parsing with the rdf-tabular gem. This represents a complete
implementation of the CSV on the Web Working Group [1] drafts for
turning tabular data into JSON and RDF.

This also includes a new rdf-vocab gem with expanded support for many
more standard vocabularies. As a result, the next release of these gems
will be 2.0, as most vocabularies currently in the RDF gem will move to
rdf-vocab, making this somewhat incompatible with existing use in the
1.1 series.

The complete list of included gems and recent updates is:

* rdf version 1.1.11
  * Last major release before 2.0 due to incompatibile changes in
included vocabularies.
  * Improvements to RDF::Util::File:
    * Add RDF::Util::File.http_adapter to support pluggable HTTP clients
    * Add FaradayHttpAdapter for retrieving remote resources (@cbeer)
    * RDF::Util::File.open_uri should mark application/xhtml+xml as less
preferred than other RDF flavors (@cbeer)
  * Vocabulary changes
    * Note that most vocabularies are deprecated and will move to the
rdf-vocab gem for release 2.0.
    * Numerous small changes based on inconsistencies found in
vocabularies.* rdf-aggregate-repo 1.1.0
    * Supports datasets composed of multiple separate graphs, as well as
a graph composed of a union of muliple graphs

* rdf-microdata 2.0.1

* rdf-rdfa 1.1.6
  * Remove whitespace around body tag, which removes many errant
newlines, but isn't quite as pretty as it should be.
  * Add support for `@value` attribute.
  * Various documentation improvements (@juliangrosshauser)

* rdf-rdfxml 1.1.4
  * Remove whitespace around outer RDF tag; not ideal but it works.
  * Add back support for `max_depth` writer option (default 10).
  * correct XML escaping of illegal characters in literals (@barmintor)

* rdf-reasoner 0.2.1

* rdf-trig 1.1.4

* rdf-trix 1.1.0

* rdf-turtle 1.1.6
  * Improved line number reporting on errors and warnings

* rdf-vocab 0.8.0
 * Support for many more vocabularies:
    * RDF::Vocab::ACL       - [Web Access
Control](http://www.w3.org/wiki/WebAccessControl) (W3C)
    * RDF::Vocab::Bibframe  - [Bibliographic Framework
Initiaitive](http://bibframe.org/vocab/) (LoC)
    * RDF::Vocab::CC        - [Creative Commons
Vocabulary](http://creativecommons.org/ns#) (Creative Commons) - Alias
of `RDF::CC`
    * RDF::Vocab::CERT      - [Cert
Ontology](http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/cert#) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::CERT`
    * RDF::Vocab::CNT       - [Representing Content in
RDF](http://www.w3.org/TR/Content-in-RDF10/) (W3C)
    * RDF::Vocab::DataCite  - [DataCite
    * RDF::Vocab::DC        - [DCMI Metadata
Terms](http://purl.org/dc/terms/) (DCMI) - Alias of `RDF::DC`
    * RDF::Vocab::DC11      - [Dublin Core Metadata Element
Set](http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/) (DCMI) - Alias of `RDF::DC11`
    * RDF::Vocab::DCAT      - [Data Catalog
Vocabulary](http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-dcat/) (DCMI) - Alias of `RDF::DCAT`
    * RDF::Vocab::DOAP      - [Description of a Project (DOAP)
vocabulary](https://github.com/edumbill/doap/wiki) - Alias of `RDF::DOAP`
    * RDF::Vocab::DWC       - [Darwin Core](http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/)
    * RDF::Vocab::EXIF      - [Exif vocabulary
workspace](http://www.w3.org/2003/12/exif/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::EXIF`
    * RDF::Vocab::Fcrepo4   - [Fedora Commons Repository 4
    * RDF::Vocab::FOAF      - [Friend of a Friend (FOAF)
vocabulary](http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/) - Alias of `RDF::FOAF`
    * RDF::Vocab::GEO       - [GEO
Vocabulary](http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#) (W3C) - Alias of
    * RDF::Vocab::GR        - [Good
Relations](http://www.heppnetz.de/projects/goodrelations/) - Alias of
    * RDF::Vocab::HT        - [HTTP Vocabulary in RDF
1.0](http://www.w3.org/TR/HTTP-in-RDF10/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::HT`
    * RDF::Vocab::ICAL      - [iCalendar
vocabulary](http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::ICAL`
    * RDF::Vocab::Identifiers - [Standard Identifiers
Scheme](http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/identifiers.html) (LoC)
    * RDF::Vocab::LDP       - [Linked Data
Platform](http://www.w3.org/TR/ldp/) (W3C)
    * RDF::Vocab::MA        - [Ontology for Media
Resources](http://www.w3.org/TR/mediaont-10/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::MA`
    * RDF::Vocab::MADS      - [Metadata Authority Description
Schema](http://www.loc.gov/standards/mads/) (LoC)
    * RDF::Vocab::MARCRelators - [MARC Code List for
Relators](http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators.html) (LoC)
    * RDF::Vocab::MO        - [Music Ontology](http://musicontology.com)
- Alias of `RDF::MO`
    * RDF::Vocab::MODS      - [Metadata Object Description
Schema](http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/) (LoC)
    * RDF::Vocab::OA        - [Open Annotation Data
Model](http://www.w3.org/ns/oa) (W3C)
    * RDF::Vocab::OG        - [Open Graph protocol](http://ogp.me) -
Alias of `RDF::OG`
    * RDF::Vocab::OGC       - [Open Graph protocol
classes](http://ogp.me) - Alias of `RDF::OGC`
    * RDF::Vocab::ORE       - [Object Reuse and Exchange
Ontology](http://www.openarchives.org/ore/1.0/rdfxml) (OAI)
    * RDF::Vocab::PREMIS    - [Preservation Metadata Implementation
Strategies Ontology](http://id.loc.gov/ontologies/premis.html) (LoC)
    * RDF::Vocab::PremisEventType - [PREMIS Event
Type](http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/preservation/eventType.html) (LoC)
    * RDF::Vocab::PROV      - [Provenance
Ontology](http://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/) (W3C)  - Alias of `RDF::PROV`
    * RDF::Vocab::RSA       - [The RSA
Ontology](http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/rsa) - Alias of `RDF::RSA`
    * RDF::Vocab::RSS       - [RDF Site
Summary](http://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/) - Alias of `RDF::RSS`
    * RDF::Vocab::SCHEMA    - [Schema.org](http://schema.org) - Alias of
    * RDF::Vocab::SIOC      - [Semantically-Interlinked Online
Communities](http://rdfs.org/sioc/spec/) - Alias of `RDF::SIOC`
    * RDF::Vocab::SKOS      - [Simple Knowledge Organization
System](http://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::SKOS`
    * RDF::Vocab::SKOSXL    - [SKOS eXtension for
Labels](http://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/skos-xl.html) (W3C) - Alias
    * RDF::Vocab::V         - [RDF data
vocabulary](http://www.data-vocabulary.org) - Alias of `RDF::V`
    * RDF::Vocab::VCARD     - [Ontology for
vCards](http://www.w3.org/TR/vcard-rdf/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::VCARD`
    * RDF::Vocab::VMD       - [RDF data
vocabulary](http://www.data-vocabulary.org) - Alias of `RDF::VMD`
    * RDF::Vocab::VOID      - [Vocabulary of Interlinked
Datasets](http://www.w3.org/TR/void/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::VOID`
    * RDF::Vocab::VS        - [SemWeb Vocab Status
ontology](http://www.w3.org/2003/06/sw-vocab-status/note.html) (W3C) -
Alias of `RDF::VS`
    * RDF::Vocab::WOT       - [Web of Trust](http://xmlns.com/wot/0.1/)
- Alias of `RDF::WOT`
    * RDF::Vocab::WDRS      - [Protocol for Web Description
Resources](http://www.w3.org/TR/powder-primer/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::WRDS`
    * RDF::Vocab::XHTML     - [Extensible HyperText Markup
Language](http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::XHTML`
    * RDF::Vocab::XHV       - [XHTML
Vocabulary](http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab) (W3C) - Alias of `RDF::XHV`

* rdf-xsd 1.1.3
  * Update for XSD 1.1 adding dateTimeStamp, yearMonthDuration and

* json-ld 1.1.8
  * Use RDF::Util::File.open_file for retrieving remote contexts; this
enables the use of HTTP caching if RestClient is included.
  * When opening a context, make sure options are passed to
documentLoader, but exclude 'Cache-Control' directive. This ensures that
frequently accessed contexts can be cached, even if the referencing
document isn't cached.
  * Added :stream option to JSON::LD::Writer to write out blocks where
context and subject are the same. If quads come sorted by context and
subject, this dramatically improves write performance by avoiding core
algorithms. (use --stream option to jsonld CLI).
  * For API#initialize, set context to link header only if the document
doesn't define a context, and one is not passed.
  * Define Context#merge and Context#merge!
  * Relax absolute IRI validation in context unless :validate flag is set.
  * Recover from bad JSON/RDF serialization in debug messages, typically
due to UTF-8 errors.
  * Ignore input header options when requesting remote files to ensure
property Accept sequence is used.

* sparql 1.1.5
  * SPARQL::Grammar.valid? now returns true when the query is valid

* sparql-client
  * Follow redirects when querying sparql
    Some SPARQL servers redirect requests. This allows the library to
follow redirects, and raise an error in case of a large number of
redirects. (@no-reply)

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the release, particularly Aaron
Coburn, Michael Giarlo, and David Chandek-Stark who originally started
the vocabulary gem as part of their Hydralabs effort, and graciously
contributed it to the Ruby RDF project under an UNLICENCE model.

All gems are UNLICENCE and are free for use however.

The RDF Distiller [2] can be used to experiment with any or all of these
gems. The Structured Data Linter [3] will be updated shortly.

Bugs to public-rdf-ruby@w3.org or as issues on the appropriate gem
hosted at http://github.com/ruby-rdf.

Gregg Kellogg

[1] https://www.w3.org/2013/csvw/wiki/Main_Page
[2] http://rdf.greggkellogg.net/
[3] http://linter.structured-data.org/

Received on Sunday, 12 April 2015 08:18:17 UTC