Usage of @rel in RDFa with @vocab: is it a bug? Should it be a bug?

Dear all,

some of us have had discussions these days with different groups on the usage of @rel and the way it is handled in RDFa1.1. The current situation is as follows:

1. CURIE values of @rel are treated to generate RDF properties (although, in RDFa Lite, @property can mostly replace @rel)
2. By default, terms (ie, just strings and not CURIEs) are mostly ignored, except for the three terms defined in the initial context of RDFa[1]
3. However, if a @vocab is used somewhere in the hierarchy, then the terms in @rel are used as being part of that vocabulary.

The range of acceptable values for @rel, in HTML5, is defined, on the one hand, by the HTML5 standard[2] but there is also the possibility for the community to add new values via the relevant microformat wiki page. (The discussion, actually, that I refer to above is around possibly new @rel value in the accessibility space.) s long as we are not in situation #3 above all is fine: users may use those values and they will be ignored by RDFa. However: if a @vocab is used, then these two usages may clash: the term value in @rel will be picked up and will be used to generate possibly completely rubbish triples.

I wonder how to handle that. It does feel like a bug to me. However, the usage of @rel is fairly deeply built into RDFa core, so if we disallow the usage of @vocab for @rel overall, it pretty much makes @vocab useless. An alternative would be to extend the HTML+RDFa spec[3] with an additional restriction whereby if the @rel value appears on a <a> or a <link> elements (the two elements on which vanilla HTML5 allows @rel) then rule #3 is disallowed.

At this point it would be fairly difficult to do anything else than declare this as a bug and add this to the errate. But maybe some of you have some a much better idea on how to handle this…



[1] <>
[2] <>
[3] <>

Ivan Herman, W3C
Digital Publishing Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Thursday, 19 November 2015 15:40:38 UTC