Re: Problem with pyrdfa3 CLI distiller

On May 19, 2012, at 16:28 , Gregg Kellogg wrote:

> On May 19, 2012, at 7:11 AM, "Ivan Herman" <> wrote:
>> Tom,
>> - with a suffix of .shtml, the (local) file is not considered to be HTML5. (Maybe this is a bug, actually, I am not sure what .shtml is usually used for. Not knowing what else to do, the distiller uses the Python xml parser. However, the file itself has a <!DOCTYPE html> dtd, which does not define the entities of the sort &nbsp; and runs into a parser error. In other words, the content does not even get to the core RDFa distiller
>> - if you rename the file .html, then it compiles and produces RDFa. Note that the RDFa distiller also generates warnings:
>> [] a pyrdfa:IncorrectPrefixDefinition,
>>       rdfa:Warning;
>>   dcterm:date "2012-05-19T14:06:27.976027"^^xsd:dateTime;
>>   dcterm:description "[In element 'html'] The usage of 'xmlns' for prefix definition is deprecated; please use the 'prefix' attribute instead (definition for 'xhtml')" .
>> [] a pyrdfa:IncorrectPrefixDefinition,
>>       rdfa:Warning;
>>   dcterm:date "2012-05-19T14:06:27.892173"^^xsd:dateTime;
>>   dcterm:description "[In element 'html'] The usage of 'xmlns' for prefix definition is deprecated; please use the 'prefix' attribute instead (definition for 'xhtml')" .
>> indeed, you have the xmlns:xhtml definition in the header which is considered to be a prefix definition and that is, by now, deprecated (I do not know why the warning is generated twice, that is a mistake of mine that I have not found out yet).
> I thing the xmlns:html is there because of XSLT, and I didn't know enough about it to have it removed from the output. Still, it does no harm,

Of course not, it just generates a warning in my distiller

> I'm not aware of any server-side changes that are needed to the file, so perhaps the .shtml is just a legacy that can be removed.

Ah, I have added that suffix once I realized what it is. It only counts when one handles local files anyway.


P.S. Maybe we should refer to our respective codes as gdistiller and idistiller, or rdistiller and pdistiller:-)

> Gregg
>> Ivan
>> P.S. I will explore the .shtml issue, maybe I should accept that as .html by default. 
>> On May 18, 2012, at 22:28 , Thomas Baker wrote:
>>> The script from [1] gets the following error message when I run 
>>> $ index.shtml from [2]:
>>>  @prefix dcterm: <> .
>>>  @prefix ht: <> .
>>>  @prefix rdfa: <> .
>>>  @prefix xsd: <> .
>>>  [] a rdfa:Error;
>>>      dcterm:date "2012-05-18T14:41:23.210220"^^xsd:dateTime;
>>>      dcterm:description "undefined entity: line 445, column 44";
>>>      rdfa:context [ a ht:Request;
>>>              ht:requestURI "index.shtml" ],
>>>          [ a ht:Response;
>>>              ht:responseCode <> ] .
>>> Tom
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> -- 
>>> Tom Baker <>
>> ----
>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
>> Home:
>> mobile: +31-641044153
>> FOAF:

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Saturday, 19 May 2012 15:02:07 UTC