Re: HTML5 and RDFa

A bit more in details. Our first answers were a bit dry.

Le 5 juil. 2010 à 14:26, Sergey Chernyshev a écrit :
> Here's the bug with the discussion on the topic:

Reading your discussion

# Strict Mode

<!DOCTYPE html> will put your browser into strict mode.

# Proposed syntax for adding RDFa 

careful it is a *working draft*

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html version="HTML+RDFa 1.1" lang="en">
    <title>Example Document</title>
    <p>Moved to <a href=""></a>.</p>

# Syntax Style (aka pseudo-xhtml)

You can write mostly with xhtml syntax style without issues. 
But be aware that your document will not be necessary xhtml 
mime-type ready. So basically, you can in *html5*

* close your elements 
   ex: <br/>
* quote your attributes values
   ex:  <span title="html5 is flexible">html5<span>

There is a document explaining the syntax *if* you want to serve
documents using both text/html and application/xhtml+xml
careful it is a *working draft*

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Monday, 5 July 2010 22:01:33 UTC