Re: Yahoo's RDF vocabularies

Hi Manu,

I thought I would just address one specific point:

> Yahoo defines both this:
> media:Image, media:Audio, media:Video
> and this:
> media:medium - The type of object: image | audio | video | document |
> executable.
> What's the point of having both a 'medium' property and classes that
> define the medium? media:medium shouldn't exist at all - use one or the
> other, not both. Using both is confusing and will inevitably lead to
> more pain for Yahoo down the line when you have to look at not only
> @typeof information, but also medium information.

We need this to simplify the life of publishers who want a single line 
to indicate that there is a video attached to the page:

<link rel="media:video" href="...">

which is similar to Facebook Share:

<link rel="video_src" href="...>

 From a site owner point of view this is significantly clearer than 
adding a typeof and thus is much more likely to gain adoption. Note that 
with the RDFa solution the site owner already had to work a bit harder, 
because he/she needed to add the XML namespace.

In summary, I consider this a design pattern, not a bug, even if it 
sacrifices a principle.


Received on Wednesday, 18 March 2009 11:53:22 UTC