Re: RDFa and Web Directions North 2009

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Fri, 13 Feb 2009, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> [SNIP]
> If Amazon couldn't even be bothered to add a class for "price" in the last 
> decade, why do we believe they will add RDFa?
Great question.

Because RDFa isn't a decade old.

It's taken a decade to get to the point where making statements for the 
RDF model is simple and unobtrusive enough for it to happen within HTML. 
In a nutshell, what wasn't cost-effective to Amazon over the last 10 
years, no longer necessarily holds today.

But for arguments sakes, lets assume Amazon doesn't use RDFa, so what? 
That's no different than your earlier analogy re. Google.

The Web is not about behemoths, it about a democratic space with multi 
tiered dexterity along the following vectors:

1. Data
2. Information
3. Knowledge.

The Web was bootstrapped via point 2 (as an information space), but it 
needs the trinity above to stay true to its essence.



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Received on Friday, 13 February 2009 23:06:09 UTC