PER-s for RDFa 1.1

Manu, Ralph, Shane,

we have a pending issue that we are now in position to close. Per[1] we had to pending issues in HTML+RDFa, waiting for the HTML5 and the RDF1.1 recommendations to be published. This is now done. This means that we would have re-publish the HTML+RDFa1.1 document with following actions:

- remove the note in the Status section of [1]
- in section 3.1 step 9 the last sentence should be removed; @datetime is now normative
- in section 3.1 step 11 the last sentence should simply say: "This feature is non-normative" (Alas!, due to the delay of DOM3, the HTML datatype is not normative in RDF1.1 Concepts[2]...)

This is the minimum that we should do, leading to a PER transition request, and a republication of [1] as an (Edited) Recommendation. Once that done, the RDFa WG[3] should be formally closed.

However, we should probably do a bit more. The errata document for RDFa[4] also contains some minor errors. All of them are, as far as I can see, editorial. Caveat: that means we have to republish (as PER-s) not only HTML+RDFa, but RDFa Lite, RDFa Core, and XHTML+RDFa. Plus some error in the RDFa Primer note. Ie, the whole lot.

I think we should do this asap and close the RDFa 1.1 group. If we all agree, we may be able to issue a formal AC review call for the PER before Xmas; I guess the work required is pretty insignificant. (There is a publication moratorium starting the 19th of December up to the 5th of January.) Manu, Shane, if you have problems generating the new versions for whatever reasons, I can also do these editings myself.

Ralph, I presume we can handle everything by email, we do not need a formal transition call for this; we are talking about PER-s.




Ivan Herman, W3C
Digital Publishing Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2014 10:55:49 UTC