Re: Prefix for in RDFa Initial Context?

+cc Antoine

Where are we with this? Do you still plan to add dc11 expansion into ?


On 20 November 2012 21:37, Ivan Herman <> wrote:
> I am fine with this change.
> WG: process question. If we accept this change, when should we do this? We are bound by a promise not to make changes often. I would therefore propose to make this change when html5+rdfa goes to CR. Tom, this would be sometimes January-February time range. Would that be fine?
> Ivan
> On Nov 20, 2012, at 16:28 , Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>> ΩOn Nov 20, 2012, at 4:24 PM, Thomas Baker <> wrote:
>>> Dear RDFa WG,
>>> Currently, the prefixes "dc:" and "dcterms:" are both mapped in the RDFa
>>> Initial Context to the namespace URI (here:
>>> "/terms/") [1].
>>> It has been pointed out that a considerable amount of data uses, or maps to,
>>> DCMI properties with the namespace URI (here:
>>> "/1.1/"), which in other contexts has traditionally been mapped to the prefix
>>> "dc:".
>>> Most of the /terms/ properties have ranges restricted to either literal or
>>> non-literal values, while the /1.1/ properties are rangeless (rdfs:Resource by
>>> default) -- a characteristic some users see as an advantage (see [2]).
>>> DCMI would like to propose to the RDFa Working Group that the prefix "dc11:" be
>>> added to the Initial Context for the /1.1/ namespace URI.
>> +1
>> Gregg
>>> People who have used "dc:" for /1.1/ properties will need to explicitly declare
>>> this as a prefix.  However, for those who continue to use /1.1/ properties --
>>> in some cases, precisely because they are rangeless -- inclusion in the Initial
>>> Context would emphasize that /1.1/ has not been forgotten or deprecated,
>>> reinforce the message that /1.1/ properties should not be "upgraded" to /terms/
>>> properties in a mechanical way, and provide a conventional prefix to use for
>>> the properties.
>>> Many thanks for your consideration,
>>> Tom
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> --
>>> Tom Baker <>
>>> Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Ltd
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
> Home:
> mobile: +31-641044153

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