RDFa test suite updated

Well, it took around 5 times longer than it should have, but the RDFa
test suite has been updated to support the following Host Language /
RDFa version combinations:

 * XML 1.0 + RDFa 1.1
 * XHTML 1.1 + RDFa 1.0
 * XHTML 1.1 + RDFa 1.1
 * HTML 4.01 + RDFa 1.1
 * HTML 5 + RDFa 1.1
 * XHTML 5 + RDFa 1.1
 * SVGTiny 1.2 + RDFa 1.0
 * SVG + RDFa 1.1

There are now 846 unique tests in the RDFa Test Suite - roughly around
140 per Host Language / RDFa version combination. There are only about 6
SVG-specific tests, although all 140 XML+RDFa tests also apply to the
SVG format. That is, for your RDFa processor to be considered a valid
SVG+RDFa processor, it must pass all 140 XML 1.0 + RDFa 1.1 tests as
well as all SVG + RDFa 1.1 tests.

The updates included the following changes:

 * Many thanks to Ivan for adding new RDFa 1.1 specific tests.
 * A unified test suite manifest in TURTLE format, with many thanks to
   Gregg Kellogg for merging the various suites into a single manifest
 * A more flexible framework for applying single test file/sparql
   combinations to multiple host languages and RDFa versions.
 * Complete restructuring of all test case URLs
 * New rules to re-write the test suite for XML, SVG and
   RDFa 1.0 languages
 * Fixes to the Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint calls
 * Better error messages when an RDFa Processor endpoint fails

Known bugs:

 * All of the SPARQL endpoints are currently misbehaving, thus it's
   been difficult to track down if it is the RDFa Test Suite that is
   misbehaving or whether it is the SPARQL endpoint that is misbehaving.
   In each instance, the problem can be debugged, but it takes time and
   I've run out of that precious commodity today.
 * The following Test Cases do not currently work due to relative
   path name issues and other strangeness:
      104 114 184 185 193 195 198 200 208 209 210 211
 * xmlns:PREFIX= is still used everywhere, need to add code to insert
   prefix= instead for RDFa 1.1 languages
 * Lots of others that haven't been found yet... :)

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Payment Standards and Competition

Received on Monday, 21 March 2011 02:08:09 UTC