Re: Eliminate @profile?

Thomas Steiner wrote:
> +1 for removing @profile.

Likewise +1 to remove.

This was discussed extensively last year and I shared the same 
reservations, and still do - I think it over complicates a technology 
and gives little benefit for the potential costs and unexpected 

That said, I do understand the backing issues as to why profiles were 
wanted, the main one being that to many "foaf:name" is a string token 
with a set universal meaning, as with the tokens in microdata, rel and 
other places, as opposed to being a CURIE, thus information could be 
lost by people not including the prefixes.

However, ultimately I feel that rich "profiles", as in default lists of 
prefixes deployed with parsers and processors, is a better approach 
which still has the same effect on users, "foaf:name", even without a 
prefix declaration, continues to work.



Received on Thursday, 14 July 2011 19:35:09 UTC