Re: CURIEs: cite RDFa Core or CURIE WG Note?

Hi Shane,

thanks once more!

2011-01-19 23:16 Shane McCarron:
> Well... you should in no circumstances cite the CURIE Note.  It's dead.

I had actually thought so, but the recent date 2010-12-16 confused me.
(But now I guess that's merely the date when the almost-dead CURIE draft
was "archived" as a Note…)  Anyway, the CURIE Note should probably have
a pointer to RDFa Syntax 1.0 and RDFa Core 1.1, referring to them as
more appropriate sources of information.  Just in case someone
accidentally stumbles upon the CURIE Note.

> The RDFa Core document is a work in progress, but if you are referencing
> RDFa 1.1 anyway I think it is safe to talk about RDFa Core (and
> XHTML+RDFa).  You might also note that the only normative definition
> TODAY is RDFa Syntax if your audience cares about such things.

No worries about that – my audience does not care.



Christoph Lange, Jacobs Univ. Bremen,, Skype
Semantic Publication workshop, May 29 or May 30, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece
Submission deadline February 28,

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2011 22:34:43 UTC