[rdfa-api] Little type ambiguity

Hi All,

Just been refreshing some docs and code, and realised that throughout 
the documentation we refer to a TypedLiterals datatype, but TypedLiteral 
has a .type - and further we've now introduced an RDFNode.getType() 
method, which makes it even more ambiguous.

I'd propose that we:
  - swap TypedLiteral.type to TypedLiteral.datatype
  - swap RDFNode.getType() to RDFNode.interfaceName (an attribute)

This should resolve all confusion and possible conflicts with other 
specifications/standards and common libraries, as .type and .nodeType 
are very common, likewise getType in java when using getters and setters.



Received on Sunday, 28 November 2010 16:42:43 UTC