Re: PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-49: RDFNode type, equality and canonicalization

On Wed, 10 Nov 2010 20:42:51 -0500
Manu Sporny <> wrote:

> The equals() method will return true if both RDFNodes have the same
> nodeType() and the same toCanonical() result. Simple string comparison
> between the two methods is sufficient when testing for equality
> between RDFNodes.

My implementation already has an isEqual method that works precisely
that way. :-) I'll just need to rename it.

FWIW my isEqual also accepts a string as a parameter, so:

	$iri = RDF::RDFa::API::IRI->new('');
	$iri->isEqual('<>');   # true

There's a reason for that - I overload Perl's normal 'eq' operator
which tests for string equality, so I can do this:

	$iri = RDF::RDFa::API::IRI->new('');
	if ($iri eq '<>')
		# this will happen

Toby A Inkster

Received on Thursday, 11 November 2010 15:11:16 UTC