Re: RDFa DOM API Document update

On Tue, 18 May 2010 23:25:53 +0100
Mark Birbeck <> wrote:

> Doing this has the effect of keeping track of all of the *objects* in
> the tree (in the RDF sense of objects, not the OO sense), because it's
> always objects that cause triples to be generated. (@typeof is not an
> exception -- it just happens to be an abbreviation for a
> predicate/object pair.)

Just to be difficult, sometimes the subject causes the triples to be
generated. e.g.

<div resource="[foaf:Person]">
  <p property="ex:note">Here are some foaf:Persons.</p>
  <ul rev="rdf:type">
    <li src="#alice" property="foaf:name">Alice</li>
    <li src="#bob" property="foaf:name">Bob</li>
    <li src="#carol" property="foaf:name">Carol</li>

Though in that particular case, the subject node is probably more
useful to return!

And to answer Manu's question, yes, this technique does satisfy me. It
might not always return the best possible node, but at least it's a
fairly simple and predictable rule. We need to explicitly state it
somewhere though!

Toby A Inkster

Received on Wednesday, 19 May 2010 12:22:16 UTC