Re: Handling @profile

Ouch, I should have reported that. My implementation, of course, led to the same infinite loop at the beginning and, of course, I had to built in measures to avoid that...


On May 2, 2010, at 23:04 , Gregg Kellogg wrote:

> Okay, first cut of implementing @profile goes into an infinite loop. Section 7.5 item 3 indicates that any element containing an @profile document is processed as indicated in RDFa Profiles (section 9). Test 0089 contains <head profile="">, which causes the parser to load <> to extract the vocabulary. That vocabulary also contains the same <head> element, so the parser goes into an infinite loop.
> Clearly, the parser can check for a recursive call to call an already opened profile, but the processing instructions should discuss this. It seems that in the case of <>, it is intended to note that this defines a profile, not requires a profile. Should processing rules be different the <head>, is the profile use in this case just wrong? In any case, it looks like an existing useage pattern that is incompatible with the processing instructions.
> Gregg

Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Monday, 3 May 2010 08:47:25 UTC