RDFa Core 1.1 feedback

I'm updating my parser and have noted some minor issues with RDFa Core 1.1 (ED-rdfa-core-2010-04-14):

 *   Section 7.5 item 3.: RDFa Profiles refers to a non-existant anchor #s_rdfa_profiles which should just be #s_profiles.
 *   Section 7.5 item 7: Everything is processed acording to CURIE and URI Processing, but you need to know to reference section 5 to find the syntax of each property. Perhaps there should be a reference? (same applies wherever CURIE and URI Processing is referenced.
 *   Section 7.5 item 8: Here you say "URI and CURIE Processing", everywhere else it's "CURIE and URI Processing"
 *   Section 7.5 item 11:  "the triple has been created" ==> there may be more than one. Set the recurse when we detect the XMLLiteral, as it is the only place that can happe
 *   Section 9 item 2: Indicates to parse the content as an RDFa document. Is it not legitimate for the URI to represent a content in a different format, such as Turtle?
 *   Section 9 Note 3: Indicates that if a subject has more than one triple with a predicate of rdfa:uri or rdfa:term, all triples associated with the subject should be ignored (how I read it). What if there are multiple values for rdfa:prefix? Does this imply multiple prefix mappings, is is this also invalid?


Received on Sunday, 2 May 2010 03:00:33 UTC