New Issue(s)

Hi All,

I've came across a few issues which are confusing me a little (after 
trying to prototype an implementation) - issue 2 is the real 

1: This documentation looks a bit wrong..
   DataStore.createPlainLiteral( value, language );
   value  DOMString  The value of the IRI. The value can be either a 
full IRI or a CURIE.
?? the value of a PlainLiteral must be an IRI or CURIE ??

2: CURIE resolution..

var contextA =;
var contextB =;
contextA.setMapping( 'a' , '' );
contextB.setMapping( 'a' , '' );
var store =;
var triple = store.createTypedLiteral( 'something' , 'a:test' );

will that a:test resolve to: -or- ?

the same issue arises for registerTypeConversion, if I created two 
different functions to handle a type of xsd:whatever then which would be 

In other words, DataContext is completely decoupled from everything 
else, yet most other interfaces depend on DataContext to provide CURIE 
resolution and typed literal conversion (there are quite a few examples 
throughout the doc)

3: TypedLiteralConverter
Just how would one create a new TypedLiteralConverter? There's no 
constructor, and further DataContext.registerTypeConversion needs an 
instance of TypedLiteralConverter but specifies that the converter param 
should be 'A function that converts..' (indicating 
TypedLiteralConverter.convertType or a callback rather than an instanceof)

4: DocumentData.createStore( type ) - what's the type for? why is it not 
nullable and not optional when no examples actually pass in a param?

5: Document.getElementsByType(type) and getItemsByType(type) where type 
is a DOMString, should this not be IRI or CURIE?

6: How does one create a new DocumentData instance? there's no way to 
set the .store/context/parser/query properties (they're all readonly)



Received on Thursday, 24 June 2010 16:00:13 UTC