Re: Last Call comments on RDFa Core

Just a side issue:-)

On Dec 13, 2010, at 24:13 , Harry Halpin wrote:
> I'm just saying feedback from Facebook and Google seems to say that having
> "property" aim to literals and "rel" aim to URIs make as much sense as,
> Kavi puts it, having male and female genders in some languages to things
> like table. It's just convention.

As somebody who has two "own" languages, with one (Hungarian) being gender-less and the other (French) using genders: I know that the discussion does come up in France regularly about why having genders overall, and many many people regard it as a nice feature of the language that should never ever be abolished:-) Conventions are not necessarily bad:-)

Nothing to do with the original comment, of course!



Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Monday, 13 December 2010 09:31:59 UTC