Re: longdesc URLs and RDFa

Leif Halvard Silli, Wed, 18 Aug 2010 21:29:40 +0200:

> However, it may be a rare use case. If it really was a must to produce 
> a longdesc triple in such a case, then it could be done via 
> @rel="longdesc".
> <span about="foo.jpeg" rel="longdesc" resource="foo.html">
>  <img src="foo.jpeg" alt="foo" longdesc="foo.html"
>       rel="cc:license" href="" />
> </span>
> I prefer such a solution.

Another reason not go for hard coding is that those who opposes 
@longdesc as being valid HTML5, points to lots of bogus @longdesc URIs 
out there. And hard coding would make it impossible to avoid such bogus 
triples. Better, IMHO, to allow authors to consciously create such 

leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2010 19:36:41 UTC