Re: longdesc URLs and RDFa

Toby Inkster, Wed, 18 Aug 2010 10:02:30 +0100:
> On Wed, 18 Aug 2010 06:48:43 +0200
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> You said that the floodgate was opened when RDFa accepted @href and
>> @src. While this may very well be true, what you describe in your
>> examples go further. To stick to @longdesc, you seem to ask not only
>> to interpret @longdesc somehow, but also to assign a specific
>> property to it 
> I think the easiest, least disruptive and most useful way to interpret
> @longdesc, were we to add it would be the following:
> 	- parse the value in the same way as @src/@href
> 	  (i.e. it's a single URI, no space delimiting, no CURIEs)
> 	- treat that URI in the same was as the URIs we get from
> 	  @typeof, except instead of hard-coding the predicate
> 	  rdf:type, hardcode rdfs:seeAlso or a subproperty of
> 	  rdfs:seeAlso. Importantly, unlike @resource/@href it
> 	  does not set the attribute value as a new subject in
> 	  chaining.
> That way:
> 	<img src="foo.jpeg" longdesc="foo.html" alt="" />
> Gets parsed as:
> 	@prefix rdfs: <> .
> 	<foo.jpeg> rdfs:seeAlso <foo.html> .

I of course think this sounds interesteing. But would the "hard-coding" 
mean that it would be impossible to replace the rdfs:seeAlso predicate 
with one's won predicate? E.g. like this:

<img src="foo.jpeg" rel="foo" longdesc="foo.html" alt="" />

What, eventually, is the motivation for doing so?
> And the following:
> 	<div typeof="ex:Widget" longdesc="my-widget.html">
> 	  <span property="ex:identifier">1234</span>
> 	</div>
> Gets parsed as:
> 	@prefix ex:   <> .
> 	@prefix rdfs: <> .
> 	[] a ex:Widget ;
> 	   rdfs:seeAlso <my-widget.html> ;
> 	   ex:identifier "1234" .
> (Whether longdesc on a non-img element is considered valid is a matter
> for HTMLWG - RDFa treats all elements more or less equally.)

And an idea to - at some undecided point in the undecided future - 
either globalize @longdesc or mint new, global, attribute with the same 
functionality, is floating in the air.
leif halvard silli

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2010 11:09:14 UTC