Re: Can't RDF describe collection resources?

Are you aware of ...?

Dr. Michael Hausenblas, Research Fellow
LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

On 1 Mar 2012, at 07:28, Ruben Verborgh wrote:

> Dear Semantic Web enthousiasts,
> Suppose we have a Web application for blogging:
> - /posts/35 is a blog post
> - /posts/35/comments are the comments to that post
> - /posts/35/comments/3 is a specific comment to this post
> In RDF, it is straightforward to make the relation between the blog  
> post and a specific comment:
>  </posts/35> :hasComment </posts/35/comments/3>.
> It is also easy to describe the relation between a specific comment  
> and all comments:
>  </posts/35/comments/4> :memberOf </posts/35/comments>.
> However, how do we indicate the relationship between the blog post  
> and *all* comments that belong to it?
> I.e., what is the relationship between </posts/35> and </posts/35/ 
> comments> ?
> One could make a new predicate for that of course:
>  </posts/35/> :hasComments </posts/35/comments>.
> But then, we still have to explain the relation between :hasComments  
> and :hasComment; and we’d have to do that for every such plural  
> predicate.
> This seems to be a fundamental problem.
> Clearly, the resource “comments on blog post 35” exists, but there  
> doesn’t seem to be a straightforward way to describe it in RDF.
> RDF lists will not be sufficient: they could indeed explain the  
> relation between a specific comment and all comments, but not the  
> relation between all comments and the blog post.
> Also note that the indirect relation “_:x :hasComment _:y.  
> _:y :memberOf _:z” is not sufficient: a blog post can have no  
> comments, but even then it still has an (empty) comments resource.
> Have you encountered this issue and how do you solve it?
> Kind regards,
> -- 
> Ruben Verborgh
> PhD Student at Multimedia Lab – IBBT / ELIS, Ghent University, Belgium
> Make your hypermedia API ready for intelligent agents via 
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Received on Thursday, 1 March 2012 08:06:23 UTC