RDF WG ends


Our charter expires at the end of the month, so then we are officially 

Looking at the errata [1] I see  only a few editorial comments being 
- Turtle has one error in an example, but I suggest to leave that as it 
is, as it requires a AC vote to change.
- Primer has three proposed editorial fixes, all small. However, 
republishing a Note we can decide ourselves, and it would be good to 
leave as few as possible loose ends.

PROPOSED: Republish a new version of the Primer as WG Note, with errata 
fixes (see [2] for the ED with the fixes).

If you object to this proposal, please send email to the list before Wed 
11 June.

Thanks again for all nice joint work we did!


[1] https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/RDF1.1_Errata
[2] https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-primer/index.html

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2014 15:42:32 UTC