Re: Notes and RDF/XML

Ok, I will take care of these asap. As soon as I have the REC approval, I will
also send an official publication request.

I am around on Monday, ping me if you indeed have a change in the primer


Guus Schreiber wrote:
> Ivan,
> The Notes are ready to be transferred to TR space.
> Also, there was a small change to RDF/XML. Could you replace the current copy
> with the one now in the REC-drafts folder?
> Two remarks about the Primer:
> - it has two link errors which are server-side problems (to the FOAF namespace
> and the FOAF project page). I'll ask Dan to look into that.
> - if possible, I would like to be have the possibily on Monday to make some
> small edits to the Primer, as we haven't had the chance yet to let the comments
> react to our last changes
> Guus

Received on Friday, 21 February 2014 12:26:34 UTC