- From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfpschneider@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 06:29:20 -0800
- To: Pat Hayes <phayes@ihmc.us>
- CC: Antoine Zimmermann <antoine.zimmermann@emse.fr>, RDF WG <public-rdf-wg@w3.org>
On 01/21/2013 09:47 PM, Pat Hayes wrote: > On Jan 21, 2013, at 8:10 AM, Antoine Zimmermann wrote: > >> You can find my proposal at: >> >> http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/User:Azimmerm/Blank-node-scope > OK, let me pick up on this. Your second sentence is wrong, if it is supposed to be talking about current RDF as defined by the 2004 specs: > > "The same blank node can appear in an infinity of RDF graphs and depending on which graph is considered, the blank node may indicate the existence of different things." > > In current (2004) RDF, this is not correct. Each blank node is essentially an existential variable with a *global* scope. It is not limited to the particular graph in which it occurs. That is precisely the problem, in fact. This may be that is intended. However, I don't see anything in the RDF Semantics that enforces it. [...] peter
Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 14:29:49 UTC