Re: Blank Node Identifiers and RDF Dataset Normalization

On Tue, 26 Feb 2013 11:10:55 +0000, Steve Harris <> said:

    > Yes, but this can only happen if you merge multiple datasets,
    > right? Otherwise no-one gets to write anything into the "default
    > graph" against the will of the dataset maintainer.

    > This is related to the reason why I find the idea of having a
    > single format that can express both Graphs and Datasets so scary
    > - you can bring this kind of situation on yourself without any
    > prior warning. Very bad idea.

I agree, but this arises from the existing of a special graph called
default and the somewhat non-standard use of the word "default". A
longer but more accurate name might be, the "graph that cannot be
named or referred to of which there is only one where we put triples
that we can't think of a better place to put".

This could easily be solved by putting

    default_graph =

in your sparqlserver.ini file and then manage the contents of that
named graph whatever way you see fit.

We do not need the notion of "default graph" in the core RDF specs! It
is a mistake. Please let us get rid of it.


Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2013 11:21:50 UTC