Re: (very) first draft of semantics available

I'm looking over the draft.

It appears to me that the relationship between datatypes and rdf:type (and
class extensions) has been lost, which is rather problematic, to say the


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 9:55 AM, Pat Hayes <> wrote:

> A very early and incomplete draft of the revised semantics document is now
> in the repository at
> It does not have the inference rule section or the appendices or the
> references done, its css is slightly broken, it is rife with issues, and
> the html markup (links, references, etc.) is woefully incomplete, but at
> least it exists.
> Comments are welcome on the actual text.
> Peter, your bio info in the header needs updating.
> Richard, check out the datatype section, which is now much simpler. It
> assumes that D is simply a set of recognized datatype IRIs, rather than a
> functional datatype 'map'. Do you approve? If so, you can simplify that
> section of Concepts. But I do need bnode scopes, please. Pretty please.
> Pat
> PS. Many thanks to Richard and Gavin for teaching me how to work Mercurial.
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Received on Wednesday, 20 February 2013 18:08:19 UTC