Re: Proposed resolution needed: ISSUE-148: IRIs do *not* always denote the same resource

On Dec 16, 2013, at 15:19, Guus Schreiber <> wrote:

> David, Markus, Richard,
> Given the time frame we need to bring this discussion to an end. I hope that one of you  can make a proposal for a WG resolution for the telecon. Maybe not every consensus niche has been tried out yet, but we should be close enough to stop here.

RDF has always allowed people to lie, or to be mistaken.  That includes, in my mind, the use of IRIs as identifiers.  Therefore, I don’t see any problem with the text as it stands.

However, if others really want to change the text, I don’t strongly object to David Booth’s suggestion (inserting the word “intended” in two places).  I’d prefer to leave it as it is though.


> Guus

Received on Monday, 16 December 2013 22:40:36 UTC