Re: multiple-graph example in the Primner

On 07/12/13 16:01, Sandro Hawke wrote:

> I'd propose it's the dataset (<>) that's the WebSource, not /bob that's
> the WebSource.

Doesn't his mak eit more complicated in ways that are not the key point 
at that place in the primer?

RDF is defined in terms of absolute URIs.  <> is concrete syntax only. 
Either use full URIs or explain what <> is.  And explaining is another 
level needed at a point when there is enough going on.

If you want to talk about ways to write concretely things so they work 
for practical matters like moving them about or referring to "nearby" 
content, it needs to go elsewhere.

(Aside from the fact that you can have two trivially different URLs to 
get to a document with <> which makes the whole thing messy in the detail.)


Received on Saturday, 7 December 2013 18:01:53 UTC