changes to rdf entailment tests

As discussed in the teleconference today, I've fixed up a few of the tests.

The changes amount to:

1/ Antecedents for container membership properties now have a triple with
    the property in it (change to rdfms-seq-representation/empty.nt in
    rdfms-seq-representation-test002 and rdfms-seq-representation-test004).

2/ Test pfps-10-non-well-formed-literal-1 is a duplicate of
    xmlsch-02-whitespace-facet-3 and has been removed.

3/ All contradiction tests have the explicit contradiction flag (change to
    xmlsch-02-whitespace-facet-4 and rdfs-entailment-test002)


Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2013 17:22:48 UTC