Re: [TURTLE] Turtle Inverse Properties

On 2012-08-17, at 20:03, Gavin Carothers wrote:
>> 4. Do nothing.
> +1
> In Turtle there is a very important section 5 Conformance Note:
> "This specification does not define how Turtle parsers handle
> non-conforming input documents."
> If this feature has wide spread need I fully expect some
> implementations to implement it, the Turtle parser will still very
> much be conforming. Exactly what media type or how that not exactly
> Turtle document might be provided is unclear but that hasn't ever
> stopped anyone ;)

Yes, agreed.

The fact that only Virtuoso supported the is … of syntax in Turtle (due to legacy from a N3 parser), and nobody supports ^ suggests to me that it's not ripe for standardisation this time round.

If it's really that useful (I can imagine it is, but I don't write Turtle by hand very often) then people will implement it.

- Steve

Steve Harris, CTO
Garlik, a part of Experian
+44 7854 417 874
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Received on Monday, 20 August 2012 09:40:55 UTC