Re: Need for a canonical byte stream for an RDF graph

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 12:39 AM, Gavin Carothers <> wrote:
> It seems that creating a standard canonical byte stream based on an
> abstract syntax graph would be very useful. It also seems reasonably
> easy. The simplest naive approach of sorting N-Triples works
> reasonably well. Until that is you encounter our good old friend Blank
> Nodes. Happily the majority of the work needed to address blank nodes
> can be found in Jeremy Carroll's paper "Signing RDF Graphs"
> from back in
> 2003.

Wouldn't the skolemization proposals make this a lot easier? Skolemize
the blank nodes according to a deterministic pattern, then sort, then

Ian Davis, Chief Technology Officer, Talis Group Ltd. | Registered in UK and Wales as 5382297

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 23:48:37 UTC