Re: [Turtle] Grammar ambiguity?

Hi Yves,

Integer in your example, given that the EBNF should match the statement 
first thus removing the .

  statement ::=  directive '.' | triples '.' | ws+

and in this example:

   @prefix rdf: <>.
   @prefix : <http://localhost#>.

       :age 18.;
       rdf:type :Person.

it'd match decimal

decimal ::= ('-' | '+')? ( [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]* | '.' ([0-9])+ | ([0-9])+ )


cheers nathan

Yves Raimond wrote:
> Hello!
> I just noticed a potentially ambiguous point in the Tutle grammar at [1].
> Considering the following document:
> @prefix rdf: <>.
> @prefix : <http://localhost#>.
> :Person
>        rdf:type :Person;
>        :age 18.
> seems to be allowed by the grammar (resource resource integer.) But there's a potential ambiguity there (is the value of 'age' supposed to be parsed as a float or as an integer?)
> Some Turtle parsers seems to reject this document (e.g. SWI-Prolog), rapper makes a best guess (parsing 18 as an xsd:decimal), but throws a syntax error, and the SemWeb.NET library [2] parses it as an xsd:integer without any errors or warnings.
> Best,
> y
> [1]
> [2]

Received on Monday, 28 February 2011 10:13:58 UTC