Re: RDF-ISSUE-82 (TriG repeated graph iris): How should repeated graph iri labels be handled in TriG [RDF Turtle]

On 21/12/11 18:01, Gavin Carothers wrote:

Good issue.

> On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 9:53 AM, RDF Working Group Issue Tracker
> <>  wrote:
>> RDF-ISSUE-82 (TriG repeated graph iris): How should repeated graph iri labels be handled in TriG [RDF Turtle]
>> Raised by: Gavin Carothers
>> On product: RDF Turtle
>> There are a number of ways of handling the case of multiple instances of a graph iri labelling a number graph statements.
>> Sample TriG Document:
>> @base<>
>> <graph>  {<s>  <p>  <o>  . }
>> <graph>  {<s2>  <p>  <o2>  . }
>> 1) Disallowed (TriG input document behaviour)
>> "In a TriG document a graph IRI must not be used to label more then one graph."
>> Result: Parse Error
> This is my personal preference, and what the original TriG input
> document said. A merge based syntax would be N-Quads which -has- to be
> merge based. But this is not a strongly held opinion.

0 - Tolerable.

>> 2) Merge
>> "In a TriG document graph statements with the same graph IRI should be merged to form a single RDF Graph."
>> Result:
>> @base<>
>> <graph>  {<s>  <p>  <o>  .
>>           <s2>  <p>  <o2>  . }
>> Note: BlankNode labels in each graph statement would either result in shared blank nodes or independent blank nodes (??)
> Some implementations do this already.


Yes :-) The Jena RIOT TriG parser does.  But it will change to whatever 
the WG decides.

This does not affect the fact that one IRI labels on graph - each {} 
block is a part of a graph.

The graph slot is setting the graph-label-slot in any quads generated.

This is my preferred design because:

1/ Tracking state over a parser run limits scalability
    A parser that did generate errors needs to track previous use of 
label IRIs. (e.g. the error checking ids in RDF/XML).

2/ Sometimes the data you want to write does not come in 
graph-sorted-clumps and converting to a graph-grouped form leads to an 
additional pass over the data before writing starts.

3/ (extreme of 2)

<graph> { <s1> <p1> <o1> }
<graph> { <s2> <p2> <o2> }
<graph> { <s3> <p3> <o3> }

is a cheap syntax that is both TriG and single line.

4/ It can be made to look neater: so if the default graph is the 
manifest, producing like this:

<graph1> { <s1> <p1> <o1> }
    <event1> :seenAs "2012-12-06" ;
             :observed <graph1> ;;
             .... .

<graph2> { <s2> <p2> <o2> }
    <event2> :seenAs "2012-12-25" ;
             :observed <graph2> ;
             .... .

is convenient for placing the info near other stuff.

 >> Note: BlankNode labels in each graph statement would either result 
in shared blank nodes or independent blank nodes (??)

My preference is blank node labels are scoped to the file because than 
one graph can be a subgraph of another.

>> 3) Replace
>> "Upon encountering a graph statement with the same graph IRI of another graph statement, the most recently parsed RDF Graph should replace the earlier one in the RDF Dataset."
>> Result:
>> @base<>
>> <graph>  {<s2>  <p>  <o2>  . }
> I am unaware of any implementations that do replacement this way with TriG.


Seems "unhelpful" and "confusing" at best. File order matters.

>> 4) Ignore
>> "Graph statements with a repeated graph IRI are ignored. Only the first graph statement is added to the RDF Dataset."
>> Result:
>> @base<>
>> <graph>  {<s>  <p>  <o>  . }
> While some implementations have done this from time to time, I'm
> reasonably sure this was a BUG.


Seems "unhelpful" at best.

>> 5) Document Decides
>> Apply one of 1-4 on the basis of a directive "@policy". Default to Disallowed.
> Not really thrilled with the idea. But would allow Disallow and Merge
> to co-exist. Default could go either way.


Add complexity and cost (impl, testing; validation of data) insufficient 


Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2011 18:57:53 UTC