Re: Graph-State Resources (was Re: graphs and documents Re: [ALL] agenda telecon 14 Dec)

On Thu, 2011-12-15 at 12:52 -0500, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> It's not a Graph-State Resource, as I'm trying to define the term.
> There's a lot more to its state (except in degenerate cases, like a
> sort
> of RDFa-quine) than is conveyed in the triples.
> I'm looking for a class of things which have very similar behavior and
> attributes.  My most recent angle is trying to document how to use
> with these things.  I want to be able to talk about how HEAD, GET,
> PUT,
> and PATCH should work on these things.   RDFa documents have to be
> handled quite differently -- one could not, for instance, PATCH an
> RDFa
> document with an application/sparql-update patch.   I'm trying to
> focus
> on the class of things for which SPARQL Update is a meaningful PATCH
> language. 

On second thought -- those RDFa-quine pages are probably pretty common.
They are all the pages generated automatically, from RDF, with no
knowledge of what the RDF means or is about -- they are just 100% HTML
boilerplate.   Server-side RDF browsers which happen to emit RDFa.

    -- Sandro

Received on Thursday, 15 December 2011 18:00:48 UTC