editor's notes concerning definition rdf:text for FPWD


I propose to add the following two editor's notes to the rdf:text
document so that the document can be published before resolving the
issues I raised in my review of the document [1].

To section 3, below the specification of the lexical space, add an
editor's note with the following text:

The definition of the set of characters, particularly the fact that it
is infinite, as well as the compatibility with xml string -- whether the
string part of the lex & val space should be the same as xs:string --
are under discussion.

To section 4.3.1 add an editor's note with the following text:

The inclusion of text-length, as well as the definition of the function
-- what should be the length of an rdf:text value -- are under discussion.

Best, Jos

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-text/2008OctDec/0006.html
Jos de Bruijn            debruijn@inf.unibz.it
+390471016224         http://www.debruijn.net/
No one who cannot rejoice in the discovery of
his own mistakes deserves to be called a
  - Donald Foster

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 16:49:04 UTC