Use of repository by RDF-star Working Group

The RDF Tests Community Group was established to curate the various RDF and SPARQL test suites [1] in the absence of an active Working Group to manage various issues that would come up from time to time. During that time, there have been many useful updates to the respective test suites, most recently to re-structure the SPARQL tests to support tests for different versions of SPARQL, including work done in the SPARQL-dev Community Group.

At this point, the RDF-star Working Group [2] is ready to start working on tests for RDF 1.2 and SPARQL 1.2. The WG discussed this in a meeting yesterday [3] and believes it makes sense to make use of this repository for the duration of the RDF-star WG, although without ending the CG, which will remain for future test curation. In the mean time, most work on the test suite will be driven by the RDF-star WG.

There is an issue on how to structure this work [4] which involves making a similar structure for RDF tests, to keep the existing RDF 1.1 test suite manifests separate from the 1.2 tests.

Contributions to the test suite from outside the Working Group are subject to the usual IP considerations, but most other groups have welcomed contributions for missing (or erroneous) test coverage.

Gregg Kellogg
Chair – RDF Test Suite Curation Community Group


Received on Friday, 14 July 2023 14:48:53 UTC