basic vs group graph pattern issue in bnode test


I'm Toni. I've been reading the RDF and SPARQL standards for a while and
I'm working on an implementation at Wolfram.
I came across a test that seems wrong, given my current understanding of
basic graph pattern matching.
Consider the query [1]

    ?a :str ?s1 .
    ?b :str ?s2 .
    FILTER (?a = :s1 || ?a = :s3)
    FILTER (?b = :s1 || ?b = :s3)

with data [2]

:s1 :str "foo" .
:s2 :str "bar"@en .
:s3 :str "BAZ" .

and the result [3] expecting four solutions, including for instance
?s1 -> "BAZ", ?s2 -> "BAZ", ...

However, the data graph does not contain a length-2 subgraph of the form
{... ... "BAZ". ... ... "BAZ"}. With the current query there is only one
matching subgraph (after filtering), and two ways to bind variables in
this subgraph, giving two solutions.
There would be four solutions if the query were updated to

    { ?a :str ?s1 . }
    { ?b :str ?s2 . }

so that there are two length-1 graph patterns to be matched (each
effectively with two solutions when taking into account the filters),
whose solutions are joined (giving four solutions, after filtering).

What do you think? Should the test be updated? Did I misunderstand



Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2017 16:18:08 UTC