Search on TAP

Hi everybody, it's been so long since I sent anything useful to this mailing 
list that you're probably reaching for the "Spam" button right now, but I 
wanted to let everyone interested in TAP know that I've launched a new site, 
with downloads, of a revised TAP search tool.

The new Search on TAP tool is different from prior versions in that it doesn't
directly use the TAP ontology. The ontology is generated by scraping each site
and aggregating together classes, properties, and instances to form a looser,
more ad-hoc core schema. The new tool and accompanying libraries are also all
in Java so they can be run on either Linux or Windows. I haven't tested them
on OS/X.

You can read more about it here:

Received on Friday, 27 May 2005 19:33:21 UTC