FW: Put RDF files in a Server

Hi Rob,

I put the new file but I still receive "null"? Now, How could I do?



-----Original Message-----
From: public-rdf-tap-request@w3.org
[mailto:public-rdf-tap-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Rob McCool
Sent: sexta-feira, 24 de Janeiro de 2003 17:49
To: Cesar Ariza Avila
Cc: public-rdf-tap@w3.org
Subject: Re: Put RDF files in a Server

Hi Cesar, please download a new copy of Places.rdf and try again.

> I installed TAP in my server  (http://marte.dsi.uminho.pt/data), and I
> downloaded and put Places.rdf from stanford to my "data" directory. 
> Now I want to run the examples (ex1a, ex1b,...) over my server, but 
> always I received a "null" like an answer.
> Any suggestion?
> Thanks,
> CEsar Ariza

Received on Wednesday, 29 January 2003 05:34:12 UTC